DJHL Operations Plan now Updated

DJHL Operations Plan now Updated

The DJHL Operations Committee has now approved several changes to the Operations Plan. This informative and valuable document can be found on our League Info page in the Documents section.

The latest changes include the following:

1. Reverting back to a bracket play-off format based on seeding with all series (except the Bronze Medal) being a First to Four Points affair. Bronze Medals are up for grabs in divisions with 5 teams or more and will be decided by one game sudden victory at home of higher seed. There will be no consolation rounds. Plans for year-end round robin divisional tournaments in March have been dropped due to cost, lack of ice, and the high number of non-DJHL tournaments already slated for March. 

2. The League will not be hosting a Provincial Championship for its GU15AA division given that all players in the division have the opportunity to compete provincially during the season in AAA or the DJHL AA Travel Stars Program. 

3. 1.5 hour practices for GU15AA will no longer be pursued as an option given the lack of available ice from member associations. The DJHL does not book ice directly.  

Our League Governance Document (also found on the League Info page) has also been updated accordingly in Rules sections regarding play-offs.